Who are we?
Your one stop complete inventory solutions provider! Let the Master inventory Professionals and AFFORDABLE Inventory Company with more than 30 years of experience perform your next physical count, offer tracking software that manages your inventory and collaborate with you to produce an effective "floor to paper" audit control strategy.
Servicing MD, D.C, VA, WV, PA, NJ and DE
Our service areas are Wash. D.C, MD ,VA, WV, PA, NJ and DE. We consider special projects outside of our service areas on a per case basis. We work 7 days a week and can staff an inventory on very short notice. Flat threshold pricing, allows you to know what you'll pay upfront. No hidden costs!
Accurate & precise counts
We perform financial, fixed asset, SKU itemized & personal property inventories for buyouts, POS corrections, asset valuations, insurance claims & more. Our management team have supervised audits for large national and international BIG BOX retailers. We bring corporate inventory experience to the small, mid-size business market we service.
Professional support, detailed reporting
Computer-generated reports give a complete audit trail of the inventory by area, section, retail, cost, dept, category, Plu, Sku, asset#, serial# & more. Custom data tracking fields can be added based on your needs. Do you lack the staff to prepare in advance for the count? No worries, we offer pre-inventory preparation services too. Is your goal to perform in-house inventories? We also supply hardware, software, management & consultation services.
Built to order inventory tracking systems
How much are you losing when the cashier's guess at the price is wrong? Studies show automated scanning systems ensure a perfect price ring-up and improve margins alone by 5% over a traditional cash register. Improved margins bring additional revenue that within the first year pay for the software. Point of Sale and fixed asset systems improve efficiency, save labor time & cost and give detailed product analysis information that aid inventory control, tax reporting, marketing, purchasing and sales.
Why use a professional inventory company?
1. We can do a wall to wall count of your entire inventory even while open for business 2. Give immediate totals on every dept and product before we leave! 3. No after-hour stays, employee overtime pay or loss of daily sales revenue from a shut-down. 4. Professional inventory control experience, guidance & strategic planning. 5. Un-biased results that can stop employee theft, reduce shrink & bring legal credibility if you sell or are audited. 6. The IRS requires 1 physical inventory per year. No inventory history or turning over a stack of handwritten in-house inventory reports can trigger an audit or result in the denial of an insurance claim in an unforseen calamity. Your company benefits by having a professional inventory record and history!